Ready to Join or Renew?
When you become a member, you become a part of a local, national, and global group of energy experts. You learn current professional issues, practices, and advances. You upgrade your professional knowledge and network with peers.Info Brochure - WeAreAEEBrochure.pdf
Membership Email - Letter to your Boss: Membership Letter to Boss.docx
New Member process: Step-by-Step Guide - AEE New Membership.pdf
Note - You are considered a "new member" if you only had a local Nevada Chapter membership in the past. Moving forward you will be considered both National and Local member. Payments will be made via the National AEE website and not the Nevada AEE website.
Renewing Member process: Step-by-Step Guide - AEE Renew Membership.pdf
Note - You are considered a "renewing member" if you only had a National membership in the past. Moving forward you will be considered both National and Local member. Payments will be made via the National AEE website and not the Nevada AEE website.
Not Ready to Join Yet?
If you haven't already, your first step is to signup for our mailing list. We will keep you connected on events, announcements, and important information.
The second step is to attend one of our events, whether our bimonthly luncheons or field trips. This will give you an idea of who we are and what we do.
Your third step would be to interact and engage us (existing members) and ask why we joined AEE. The personal stories are many and the purpose of joining is unified: we want to advance our careers.
The Benefits and Price?
Local Benefits of Membership:
National Benefits of Membership:
Annual Dues:
Past Changes?
In July 2018, we changed our membership process in order to better serve our members. Linked below is a PDF detailing the past and present membership process. It outlines the costs, benefits, duration, and where to sign up. AEE Membership Transition_v3.pdf
Note - If you were a Local and/or National member in our Nevada Chapter, you might have received an email invoice for $215 nearing membership expiration. Please disregard the total. The total should be $210 not $215. As stated below, payments will be made via the National AEE website and not the Nevada AEE website moving forward.